HAF Essential Awareness in Safeguarding Children and Young People

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Welcome to this Safeguarding Course!

This course has been made available for you by Leicestershire County Council in partnership with Phasic Ltd as part of the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme.

The course will provide you with the information that you need to know about safeguarding as someone involved in the programme.

To enrol on this course, you must be registered for an account with Phasic. Registration is free, and this course is free to those involved in the HAF programme in Leicestershire.

Already have an account? Log in here

To register for a free account, please complete the registration form here

Instructions for navigating through this course

Further down this page you will find the course content which shows a list of the various lessons in the course. Each lesson has one or more topics. When you first scroll down the page you will see the lessons listed in rows, and you will be able to see how many topics are in that lesson but the topics themselves will not be visible. At the right hand side of the row, you have the option to expand the lesson. When you expand a lesson, an option or collapse the topics is available. You can also expand or collapse all of the lessons with the button at the top of the course content section.

With a lesson expanded, you can click on the first topic and that will take you to the lesson content. When you finish the topics for that lesson, you will be able to navigate to the next lesson.

It is important that you open the topics, not just the lessons, or you will not see the course content.

You can navigate from lesson to lesson, but that will only show the first topic in the lesson. There is also a course progress bar.

If you are struggling or unclear, please take a look at the video below which we hope will help you. The first video is shorter and shows you the key points, but without audio. The second video is longer and contains audio that describes how to navigate the course. Please feel free to chose either option if you wish to.

Instructions without audio

Instructions with audio narration

To get started, with the e-learning, please click “Introduction and Aims” below.

More information about programme generally can be found at:

Holiday Activities and Food Programme 2022 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

More information about the Leicestershire HAF programme can be found at:

Enrolling children and young people in free holiday clubs | Leicestershire County Council

More information about the Leicestershire County Council Early Years and Childcare service can be found at:

Early Years and Childcare Service | Leicestershire County Council

More information about Phasic Ltd can be found at:

Phasic Ltd | Supporting & enabling organisations to achieve best practice in safeguarding (phasic-ltd.co.uk)

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