8 Oct 2020
Spotting the signs of Abuse & Neglect
Just what are the signs of abuse and neglect? The signs of abuse and neglect aren't always obvious, and a…
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24 Jul 2020
Children’s needs are primarily met by their families, their extended family and their support network. Schools, GP’s and health services all meet children’s needs universally, this means that children don’t need a referral into another service for support as their needs can be met through family etc. The child is expected to reach its milestones and fulfil their potential.
When a child needs a little more support or an issue is identified such as a development issue or if the child needs a little more support because there are issues in the family, then sometimes its necessary to get additional help from organisations where a referral has to be made, for example a paediatrician, a speech and language therapist or extra support has to be provided in school.
For churches, this may mean that you put an extra resource into Sunday School, or, where a family have an issue around housing, debt or money issues, or they are struggling to cope with family life, as churches there is a lot we can do to support such as referral to a debt organisation like CAP, however, you would need the support and consent of the family if they want to accept help. Sometimes this might be enough to get the family back on track.
If these issues aren’t addressed there is a risk of poor outcomes, e.g. the child’s delay, if not addressed, may not attain academically or perhaps a health issue will result in the condition getting worse. There is need to move to extra support to address and meet the need
This is when a child or young person’s needs are much more complex and more support is needed. The indicators would typically be like the issues listed below: this list is not
The child or young person is unlikely to meet their outcomes unless the situation changes and things improve in the child’s life and home situation.
Services will be involved with the family and support will be going into the family to help improve the situation.
In the three areas above, Universal, Targeted & Specialist Child in Need you need the families’ consent for any intervention or any sharing of information between organisations.
This is were a child or young person is at risk of or has experienced significant harm. This is the legal threshold for intervention. The Local Authority has a duty to make inquiries and investigate the circumstances around this. It’s at this stage, if a child discloses abuse or an organisation is extremely concerned about the safety of a child or young person, consent from the family is not required to report to children’s social care to the police.
This is what we call the “statutory threshold” for reporting concerns and passing on information.