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Working with you to achieve better outcomes for children, young people, vulnerable adults and their families.
We are a specialist safeguarding training and consultancy service. We work with organisations like yours in delivering services to children, young people, families. We help organisations to think through their approaches to safeguarding. We can support you with the development of your policies, procedures, systems and a culture that’s needed to safeguard everyone. We support all safeguarding activity at all levels within your organisation. Phasic also has extensive experience of designing and delivering innovative and interactive training. We are regularly providing consultancy services, and able to offer you a high quality service that is tailored to your specific context and needs.
Phasic has an excellent track record in building relationships and working with organisations across all sectors, the statutory, the private, the voluntary and also in the faith sectors. Specialising in safeguarding in consultancy and training, we are able to advise and support you on all your safeguarding needs. We are also able to deliver training on a range of other themes such as, Leadership and Management, Disability Awareness, Working with Volunteers, Equality and Diversity and Safer Recruitment. Our main clients are: Schools School Governors Early Years settings Early Help services Foster carers Local Authorities Voluntary sector organisations