Case Study- Manjit

Manjit is a 3 year old from a Muslim family. While playing with his friends and chasing them around, he shouted “kill the infidels!” The group of friends all thought this was funny.

You spoke to them about it and explained that this is not a nice thing to say. Manjit told you that his brother says it all the time while he is playing on one of his computer games,

When his Mum collected him at the end of the session, you spoke to her and told her about the conversation, she told you that she is concerned about Manjit’s 15 year old brother. He seems to be spending all his time in his bedroom and is very secretive about his computer and phone, which he never used to be. His behaviour is becoming more aggressive and defiant at home. He keeps talking about “our oppressed brothers” and says that all western governments are at war with Islam.

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